personal: some thoughts

This is definitely one of those posts where I’m just writing for the sake of writing. I don’t know, I can’t go too long without writing something. Luckily, I’ve been reading to kind of postpone the agonizing feeling of not writing. Nevertheless, this right here.. feels oh so good to my soul. Like, nobody should go a week without writing nothing.. like writing anything. Yesterday, at work, I wrote a letter to my co-workers to read.. why? Why not?! I felt the need to inspire someone. Which is my life goal – to inspire people through my writing. Granted, I’m sure not all my pieces may be “up to par.” But, whatever.. that’s the beauty of writing. You write to express. You write to inspire. You write to relate. To be heard. To share with the world. Everybody won’t like what you write. And that’s okay. Never stop writing for anything or anybody. If it all comes down to it, write for yourself. And just yourself. Write like nobody will ever read your pieces. Write like you’re alone in dark cave and all you have is your mental sanity (which is decreasing slowly) and a pen and paper. And just have at it – write, write, write. What’s stopping you? Yourself? Fear? The internet? Yeah.. the internet is a tad (more like a hell of a lot) distracting. I’m not even mad, though. Just don’t ever stop writing what you feel, how you feel, what you think, and just whatever. I am a writer whether or not you like it. So, I will continue to write until my fingers pop off. God forbid..

-LJ Hughes

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